We completed our run of 3 sold-out performances at St. Ann's Warehouse! It was a thrill to have so many of our friends in the audience and to share this experience with you all. Visit the hashtag #fashion+puppetry to follow our journey of creating this theater piece.
"Outside In" presented three vignettes of what it means to be present, to be aware of presence, and to measure presence. Chameleon-like garments found their way in a delightfully absurd world, performed by contemporary mime actors.
In the lobby pre-show, audiences could enjoy work-in-progress displays from each artist. We also installed the coat puppet on a lobby bench and 17-person pant on a clothing rack with just as many hangers for people to be able to examine up close.
Immense gratitude to our Puppet Lab directors Lake Simons and Robin Frohardt, the whole St Anns Warehouse team, my actors Becky Baumwoll, Nick Abeel, Matt Zambrano, and Yaxi Wang for the documentary photography.
Lobby views:
Enjoy the photos from the final performance, taken by Teddy Wolff: